
General Release 2 Details

General Release 2 Details

Dates and Times   Region 1 Region 2 Region 3 Region 4 Countries China Japan, South Korea, Australia, New Zealand, Singapore, Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia, Philippines All of Europe Continent United States, Canada, Mexico, South America Date and Time Thursday July 14th at 9pm (GMT+8) Thursday July 14th at 13:00 JST (GMT+9) Thursday July 14th at 13:00 CET (GMT+2) Thursday July 14th at 3pm CT (GMT-5) Sales Channel WeChat and Taobao Order Limits Each customer will be allowed to purchase a maximum of two bundles.  This could be any combination of x3 and x4 giving a theoretical maximum...

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VRChat Edition Premium Straps

VRChat Edition Premium Straps

Tundra Labs prepares for second retail release of Tundra Trackers and collaboration with VRChat X EOZ full body tracking straps. LOCATION: Green Bay & California USA, Shenzhen China Product Listing: Tundra Labs has announced that they are preparing the second retail release of their crowdfunded Tundra Trackers. The trackers, which enable full-body tracking in virtual reality, have been wildly successful among metaverse and social VR enthusiasts. N7R, their Chinese partner, has helped them expand their manufacturing, testing, and packaging capabilities, enabling Tundra Labs to get more Trackers into the hands of customers. In preparation for their second retail release, Tundra...

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Save the Date: General Release 2

Save the Date: General Release 2

We're excited to announce that with just a few exceptions (International orders including large foot straps), we are now complete with shipping out Tundra Tracker General Release 1 orders! Have a look at the mountain of packages that we shipped out on June 20th. Fulfilling General Release 1 was certainly a challenge and a worldwide coordination to manage all of the supply chain.  The good news has that this has made the team stronger and more resilient. We're taking all of our lessons learned and applying them to the plan for General Release 2! Supply Chain Update As it relates to Tundra...

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General Release 1 Shipping Plan

As described in our last update, Tundra Tracker production has been impacted by the global supply chain issues.  Despite this, we are very happy to report that the team is one week away from the exporting all General Release 1 trackers from the factory! Our delivery schedule for Trackers is about 2 weeks later than previously shared.  For this, we apologize.   There has been one recent shipping rule in particular that has been very problematic for us.  This rule requires that all incoming packages are quarantined for 7 days before being delivered to the factory.  We have had two instances where critical semiconductor components needed to be...

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General Release 1 Update

First, we would like to give a big thank you for participating in the Tundra Tracker General Release 1!  The team has been hard at work building the trackers to fulfill and have been making significant progress towards fulfillment.  It has been challenging and the team is working day and night to overcome each hurdle coming our way.  I wanted to provide everyone with an update on our progress and forward looking plans. Unfortunately we do need to report that we will need extra time to fulfill your orders. Supply Chain Update As mentioned in the last blog post and...

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